01/20/04 CCB Masters Major in Freestyle, Minor in Math

Jan 20, 2004
01/20/04  CCB Masters   Major in Freestyle, Minor in Math

01/20/04 CCB Masters Major in Freestyle, Minor in MathThe main set increases in difficulty as the sendoffs get tougher and tougher. But...the good news is that you'll be so busy figuring out when to push off that you may forget how tired you are.WARMUP: 400With fistgloves. Fins are optional400 warmup your choice.MAIN SET: 1600/1400Kickboards are optional for the kick portions.Fast lane uses the first column of sendoffs. Middle lane uses the second column. Slower lane uses the third column of sendoffs (and does 2 X 25 kick instead of 4 X 25 kick). For example, on the first set of 3 X 100, the fast lane goes on 2:00 for the 1st 100, 1:55 for the 2nd 100, and 1:50 for the 3rd 100. The 1:50 sendoff is what launches you into the second set of 4 X 25 kick. To determine which column you should use, take your typical time for a set of, say, 5 X 100 free and add :20 to that time. That should be the starting sendoff on your FINAL round of 3 X 100. Work back from there to determine your starting sendoff on the first round of 3 X 100.4 X 25 kick (choice) :40 :45 :503 X 100 free 2:00/1:55/1:50 2:20/2:15/2:10 2:30/2:25/2:204 X 25 kick (choice) :40 :45 :503 X 100 free 1:55/1:50/1:45/ 2:15/2:10/2:05 2:25/2:20/2:154 X 25 kick (choice) :40 :45 :503 X 100 free 1:50/1:45/1:40 2:10/2:05/2:00 2:20/2:15/2:054 X 25 kick (choice) :40 :45 :503 X 100 free 1:45/1:40/--- 2:05/2:00/--- 2:15/2:10/---100 EZWARMDOWN: 500/250With fins.Swim 10 lengths continuous "backstroke." On the 1st length, you can take one armstroke. On the 2nd length, you can take two armstrokes, etc. until you reach 10 strokes on the 10th length. You can take the strokes anywhere you want. When not taking a stroke, kick with one arm extended.Swim 10 lengths continuous hand-lead body dolphin. On 1st length, you can take one stroke of breaststroke, etc., up to 10 strokes on the 10th length.Total Yardage: 2600/2400

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