01/20/05 CCB Masters Gutterball

Jan 26, 2005
01/20/05   CCB Masters  Gutterball

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP SET: 300/450Faster lanes did 6 X 25; fast lane did 4 X 25.4/6 X 25 with fins -- Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back, build each 25 to full speed.4/6 X 25 nekked freestyle with eyes closed. Start in the middle of the lane and swim with your eyes closed. Stay within yourself and feel what's happening with your stroke. Wait until everyone in your lane finishes on each 25. This was an interesting set, and we called it Gutterball, for reasons you'll discover if you try it.4/6 X 25 nekked freestyle, descend time 1 to 6.MAIN SET: 1500/1000ACTIVE-RECOVERY 200s and 100sFastest lane did three rounds of the following. Other lanes did two rounds. Use the 25s as active recovery, i.e., get your time after the 200 and 100, but then push off within 5 to 10 seconds and start the 25s. When you finish the 25s, start the 200 or 100 within 5 to 10 seconds.1 X 200 free -- count strokes and try to hold same stroke count for entire 200. This count is your "N."4 X 25 free @ N-2 Do 5 bobs recovery after each 25. 1 X 100 free @ N, and FAST4 X 25 free @ N-2. Do 5 bobs recovery after each 25.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ on your own.Total Yardage: 2000-2500

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