01/23/07 Kick Set... Body-Dolphin Breast Set... Breast Pace Set

Jan 23, 2007
01/23/07 Kick Set... Body-Dolphin Breast Set... Breast Pace Set

WARMUP: 500With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin100 back/100 freeKICK SET: 80016 X 50 on 1:00 sendoff (8 to 10 seconds rest)Odds: 25 breast kick on back + 25 breast 8 strokes working the drawEvens: 25 fllutter kick on back + 25 free working immediate exhaleB-D Breast Set: 1600 + 200With Zura Alpha fins and Tempo Trainer set at 1:65.8 X 200Odds: Body-Dolphin Breast on 4:00 sendoff working on pulsing into a big outsweep and letting the pulse help push the torso up into the breath1st 50: 4 dolphins and a breath2nd 50: 3 dolphins and a breath3rd 50: 2 dolphins and a breath4th 50: breathe every pulseEvens: 200 Drill IM on 3:30200 EZ pull, breathing every 3BREAST PACE SET: 300No break on this. Straight through. Start decreasing the sendoff right after the 3rd 50.3 X 50 breast on 1:151 X 50 breast on 1:051 X 50 breast on :551 X 50 breast on :45[44...43...42...43...43...44]WARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 3600

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