01/27/04 CCB Masters T-15s and 400 IMs

Jan 27, 2004
01/27/04  CCB Masters  T-15s and 400 IMs

01/27/04 CCB Masters T-15s and 400 IMsThis is T-15 week, so I tried to create a practice that would build in difficulty. Those who don't do the T-15 will swim the entire practice. Those who do swim the T-15 will do just the first few rounds of the practice -- the EZ rounds.WARMUP: 400With fins or without.400 choice.MAIN SET: 2000Entire set is with fins.Swim 5 rounds of 400 "IM."Each 400 is a continuous swim, using the following pattern. FL/BK/BR FL/BK/BR FL/BK/BR FL/BK/BR + 100 FREEOn each round, you will be substituting a drill for FL, BK, and BR. The drills change on each round as shown below. The drills increase in complexity until you are swimming whole stroke on the final round. The freestyle is always whole-stroke freestyle. Take about 30 seconds rest between each 400.The point is that you are switching repeatedly from short axis to long axis, then finishing with a 100 freestyle. Try to find your groove as quickly as possibly when you switch from one "stroke" to another. Being able to switch easily from stroke to stroke is one of the keys to a fast IM.1st Round: FL = Head-Lead Body DolphinBK = Head-Lead ActiveBR = Head-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back2nd Round:FL = Hand-Lead Body DolphinBK = 6-Count BackstrokeBR = Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back3rd Round:FL = Stoneskipper (Skimmers)BK = 2L/2R BackstrokeBR = Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back4th Round:FL = Alternate one cycle fly and one cycle breast (start with fly)BK = Alternate 4 strokes back and 3 strokes freeBR = Alternate one cycle breast and one cycle fly (start with breast)5th Round:FL = FlyBK = BackBR = Body-Dolphin BreastWARMDOWN: 200200 EZ your choiceTotal Yardage: 2600

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