01/30/07 UV Rays Masters Stroke-Count Sets & Kick Set

Jan 30, 2007
01/30/07 UV Rays Masters  Stroke-Count Sets & Kick Set

WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle, swim 3 abreast in your laneWARMUPT/TECHNIQUE SET: 450 + 502 X 25 choice at BRISK pace. Count strokes to get your “N.”8 X 50 same stroke as above on approx. 20 seconds rest#1: Both lengths at N-3#2: 1st length @ N-3, 2nd length @ N-2#3: Both lengths @ N-2#4: 1st length @ N-2, 2nd length @ N-1#5: Both lengths @ N-1#6: 1st length @ N-1, 2nd length @ N#7: Both lengths @ N#8: 1st length @ N, 2nd length @ N+150 EZ recoveryMAIN SET: 1000/800/6002 X 25 freestyle brisk pace to establish your N. Then…Lanes 4 & 5 swim 5 rounds of the following. Lanes 2 & 3 swim 4 rounds of the followingSendoff is ~20 RI on 50s; 30 RI on 150s.50 @ N-1 on each length 150 first 50 @ N-1, 2nd 50 @ N, 3rd 50 @ N+1Lane 1 swim 6 rounds of:25 @ N-175 first 25 @ N-1, 2nd 25 @ N, 3rd 25 @ N+1KICK SET: 400/300/150Wear fins for entire set.Lanes 4 & 5:4 X 100 broken for 15 seconds at the 75Odds: 75 kick + 25 FAST kickEvens: 75 kick + 25 FAST swimLanes 2 & 3:4 X 75 not brokenOdds: 50 kick + 25 FAST kickEvens: 50 kick + 25 FAST swimLane 1:3 X (25 EZ kick + 25 FAST kick)WARMDOWN: 200 EZ choice Total Yardage: 2650/2300/1950

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