02/02/06 CCB Masters IM Sets

Feb 2, 2006
02/02/06 CCB Masters  IM Sets

Thursday is usually IM day for our Masters team, so today we did a set in each stroke. Several of our swimmers are doing a 4-hour meet this weekend at Exeter, so we left some time at the end of practice for two broken 100s. They're mostly training right through this meet, but we wanted to do a little bit of speed work. The meet is all 50s and 100s.WARMUP: 400400 your choice on your ownWARMUP/FLY SET: 400With fins.4 X 100 swum as 50 of 4/4/4/ Free (4 strokes fingertip drag, 4 strokes high elbow, 4 strokes overarm) + 50 of 2L/2R Fly, focus on straight-arm recoveryBACKSTROKE SET: 400No fins.Swim 4 rounds of the following:2 X 25 backstroke with pull buoy. On first half of each length, sit up a bit and chop the hand entry, aiming for wide entry and getting quickly into the catch. On second half of each length, lie back in the water and do regular BK, but with wide entry.50 Backstroke with no equipment, focus on wide entry and quick catchBREASTSTROKE SET: 400Did this with Tempo Trainers set at 1:70.2 X 50 Hand-Lead Dolphin with fins. Don't breathe very often -- every 5 or 6 pulses.2 X 50 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin with fins. Pull and breathe every other dolphin.2 X 50 Body-Dolphin Breast with no fins.2 X 50 BreaststrokeBROKEN 100s: 400Swim a broken 100 in your choice of stroke (or IM). For instructions on how to do these, check here.EZ 200 recoverySwim another broken 100 your choice of stroke.WARMDOWN: 100At least 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2100

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