Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 640With Zura Alpha fins, swim twice through:40 SA drill40 LA drill40 SA drill200 Free/BackFREESTYLE SET: 600Did this entire set with Zura Alpha fins.80 Single-Arm Free, holding Zura kickboard with one hand while swimming single arm with the other arm. Switch arms every 20. Focus on clean, wide entry.80 Free build, focus on clean, wide entry80 Free with pull buoy, focus on clean, wide entryRepeat above 3 X 80.120 Freestyle with no equipment, focus on clean, wide entrySA KICK SET: 400200 breast kick in all positions -- no board200 dolphin kick in all positions -- no boardTEMPO-TRAINER SET: 1000Had TT set at 1:65 for entire set.With fins:80 Hand-Lead Dolphin Kick, breathe every 5 or 6 pulses80 Underwater Slinky with Dolphin Kick, breathe after every 3 UW strokes80 Body-Dolphin Breast, breathe every other pulse4 X 20 Body-Dolphin Breast, breathe every pulse80, swum as 20 yards each of the aboveWithout fins:80 Whole-Stroke Breast Under Water (3 strokes Down/2 strokes Up)80 Body-Dolphin Breast80 Breast with Extra Kick80 Breast80, swum as 20 yards each of the above200 EZ recoveryDOLPHIN PULLOUT SET: 20010 X 20 Breast with Double Pullout (with Downward Dolphin) #5 and #10 are single pulloutWARMDOWN: 160 EZ Total Yardage: 3000
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