02/08/05 CCB Masters Drill Day

Feb 8, 2005
02/08/05 CCB Masters  Drill Day

The water was 85-86 this morning, so I figured it would be a good day to do some drills and not get too heated up.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your own.FLIP-TURN SET: 400/500Swim 2 X 150 (fastest swimmers) or 2 X 100 (fast swimmers) freestyle. Swim nice and easy between the flags. When you get to the flags at either end, stop swimming and go into head-lead flutter kick with hands at sides. Do a flip turn at the wall without looking up and WITHOUT USING YOUR HANDS OR ARMS to get around. Push off in streamline and kick flutter till you are past the flags, then resume easy freestyle till the next set of flags. Keep your arms locked to your sides during the somersaults. Get into a tight tuck.4 X 50, swum as 25 free/25 back. Just before the turn, take a final pull so that both arms are at your sides, and DO NOT USE YOUR HANDS OR ARMS for the somersault. Go directly over and push off in streamline on your back.MAIN SET: 1000Do this entire set with fins. Don't worry about the sendoff. Swim four rounds (20 X 50 total) of the following:50 single arm (25 using left arm + 25 using right arm)50 1L/1R50 2L/2R50 2L/2R/2 whole stroke50 FreeRound #1: Butterfly, focus on straight-arm recoveryRound #2: Backstroke, focus on showing BOTH shoulders during rotationRound #3: Body-Dolphin Breaststroke, focus on not collapsing the wristsRound #4: Freestyle. For 1L/1R substitute LOONG freestyle. For 2L/2R substitute Single-Switch. For 2L/2R/2WS substitute Triple Switch.KICK/SCULL/SWIM SET: 300Wear a pull buoy for the entire set. Swim continuously 4 times through the following in IM order:25 Kick25 Scull25 SwimSPEED BUMP:1 X 100 for time. Your choice of Free or IM. Your choice of equipment or no equipment. This is FAST.WARMDOWN: 150 EZTotal Yardage: 2350/2450

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