02/09/06 CCB Masters IM Set and Some Speed

Feb 9, 2006
02/09/06 CCB Masters IM Set and Some Speed

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1000 + 100Chose a sendoff that gives you betwee 10 and 15 seconds rest on the non-kick 50s.20 X 50, in the following order:Dolphin KickFLFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKFlutter Kick on Your BackBKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBreast Kick on Your BackBRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFlutter Kick on Your BackFR100 EZ recoverySPEED SET: 400/500Faster lanes did 5 X 100; middles lanes did 4 X 100.5 X 100 on approx. :25 RIEach 100 is swum continuously as:12.5 speed-burst free --- EZ FR25 EZ Back25 EZ Breast25 Build FreestyleWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2200

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