02/11/06 Breast Tether and IM Kick Practice

Feb 12, 2006
02/11/06 Breast Tether and IM Kick Practice

Did this in a 20-yard pool. Focus during entire practice was on getting extra extension through the shoulders on my streamlines. Interesting that the little extra effort paid off in almost one less stroke per length on free and back, and set me up with a little extra speed into the breakout.WARMUP: With Zura Alpha fins, swim twice through:40 SA drill40 LA drill40 SA drill200 Free/Back200 EZ breast kickBREAST TETHER SET: 600 (equivalent)With Long-Belt Slider:Push off, dolphin pulldown, 30 Head-Lead Breast kicks, 30 Hand-Lead Breast kicks, turn and swim back assisted. Repeat5 X 40 Breast with tether (20 resisted...turn...20 assisted) Took 10 bobs recovery between swims.IM SET: 16008 X 200, swum as:40 dolphin kick on stomach40 flutter kick on back40 breast kick on back80 freestyleOdds: with pull buoyEvens: no pull buoyBREAST SET: 20010 X 20 breast with double dolphin pullout, with 4 bobs between 20s. Do regular pullout on #5 and #10.Total Yardage: 3200

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