02/14/06 CCB Masters Freestyle Ladder

Feb 15, 2006
02/14/06 CCB Masters Freestyle Ladder

Here's the practice my evening Masters group did today. The morning group wanted to work on flip turns, so we did a drill progression and some sets to work the turns. For the last two months, I've had one lane reserved for swimmers who've just joined the team from LTS, or who are not yet ready for a practice with sendoffs. They wear fins for much of the practice, and do mostly 25s and 50s. Below the main practice here, I've posted the sets that the beginning swimmers did.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1700The idea on this set is to establish a normal stroke count while doing some brisk 25s. Then you will do a ladder -- 50s...75s...100s...200... and back down. Try to hold your stroke count, even as you are extending the distance that you swim. Advanced swimmers should try to hold stroke count and descend times on the down side of the pyramid. This is a freestyle set, but you could turn it into a stroke set (our backstroker went up the pyramid with backsktroke and down with freestyle). 4 X 25 brisk-pace freestyle @ :10 RI Count strokes and take an average as your "N."4 X 50 Free @ :20 RI Hold N2 X 75 Free @ :25 RI Hold N3 X 100 Free @ :30 RI Hold N1 X 200 Free Hold NTake an extra minute of rest1 X 200 Free @ :40 RI Hold N3 X 100 Free @ :30 RI Hold N2 X 75 Free @ :25 RI Hold N4 X 50 Free @ :20 RI Hold NIM SET IF YOU HAVE TIME: 300/400Focus on breakouts -- leading with the top of the head and heading FORWARD, not UP.With fins, swim:3 X (4 X 25 IM order) on approx. :15 RIWithout fins, swim 4 X 25 IM order on :15 RIWARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2500LANE #1 PRACTICE:All with fins.6 X 50 freestyle, breathing less comfortable side on first 25...comfortable side on second 25.50 Dolphin on back6 X 50 of 2L/2R backstroke on first 25...backstroke on second 25. Focus on showing both shoulders50 Dolphin on back6 X 50 of Triple-Switch freestyle on first 25...freestyle on second 25. Focus on staying low.50 Dolphin on back6 X 50 of Triple-Switch backstroke on first 25...backstroke on second 25. Focus on timing -- bottom hand moves first.50 Dolphin on back10 Lengths flutter kick on your back, mostly in one-arm streamline. On first length, you can take 1 stroke of backstroke (one "switch"). On second length, you can take 2 strokes. On third length, 3 strokes, etc.WARMDOWN: 200 mix of dolphin and freestyle

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