02/15/07 UV Rays Freestyle Pyramid

Feb 15, 2007
02/15/07 UV Rays Freestyle Pyramid

WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 freestyle – eyes closed. KICK SET: 2008 X 25 WITH FINS on approx. 10 seconds rest intervalOdds: Hand-Lead Dolphin on your back…start fast, then shut down at mid poolEvens: Head-Lead Dolphin on your stomach…work on steady body rhythm… maintain your body rhythm during each breath. MAIN SET: 1600 + 100Rest interval is approx 20 seconds after the 100s, approx 30 seconds after the 200s, and approx. 45 seconds after the 400.1 X 100 1 X 100 pull, breathing every 5 the whole way1 X 2001 X 200 pull, breathing every 2…every 5 continuously1 X 4001 X 200 pull, breathing every 3 the whole way1 X 2001 X 100 pull, breathing every 2…every 3 continuously1 X 100 100 EZ recoveryFINAL SET IF YOU HAVE TIME: 2004 X 50 choice on a sendoff that gives you approx. 20 seconds restCOUNT YOUR STROKES on each length. Your stroke count on the first 50 should be quite low, and you want to have the same count on both lengths. E.g., if your normal freestyle stroke count is 18, each length of your first 50 should be at 15. On the next 50, you should add one stroke per length (e.g., if your first 50 was 15/15, now you’re 16/16). Continue to add a stroke to each length on each 50. Because you are adding strokes, you should be able to descend you time on each 50.#1: Very low stroke count -- and hold same stroke count on both 25s#2: Add one stroke per length to your count from #1.#3: Add another stroke per length#4: Add another stroke per length.WARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2800 if you do everything

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