02/17/05 CCB Masters Kick Practice

Feb 17, 2005
02/17/05 CCB Masters  Kick Practice

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 2000/1600Fastest swimmers do 4 X 100 in each stroke; fast swimmers do 3 X 100 in each stroke. Take 15 to 20 seconds rest after each 100; about 10 seconds on the 25s. Wear fins as indicated. Do not wear fins on any of the 4 X 25s.Fly Round:4 X 100 with fins, swum as:25 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Stomach25 Hand-Lead Body Dolphin on Your Back25 2L/2R/2 whole-stroke Fly25 BackstrokeFocus on two kicks per armstroke on the dolphins and fly.4 X 25 Freestyle, descend time 1 to 4, but achieve the descend by KICKING FASTER. We're looking to see lots of whitewater by the last two 25s.Backstroke Round:4 X 100, swum as:25 6-Count Backstroke25 4-Count Backstroke25 2L/2R/2 whole-stroke Backstroke (focus on rotation)25 Breaststroke4 X 25 Free, build each 25, but achieve the build by KICKING FASTER.Breaststroke Round:4 X 100, swum as:25 Underwater Breast Kick (arms in streamline)25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Back25 Breast with an Extra Kick25 Freestyle4 X 25 Freestyle, descend 1 to 4, but achieve the descend by KICKING FASTERFreestyle Round:With fins.4 X 100, swum as:25 Single-Switch25 Freestyle breathe every 325 Freestyle breathe every 525 Freestyle any breathing pattern4 X 25 Freestyle, build each 25, but achieve the build by KICKING FASTERWARMDOWN: 100100 EZWe spent about 5 minutes practicing starts from the blocks after the warmdown.Total Yardage: 2500/2100

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