02/24/06 Short Breast/Fly Practice

Feb 23, 2006
02/24/06 Short Breast/Fly Practice

WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins swim 3 times through:50 SA drill50 LA drill50 SA drill200 Free/BackBREAST KICK SET: 300With pull buoy:3 X 100 swum as:25 Breast kick on back25 Breast pull with dolphin kick25 Breast kick on stomach25 Whole-stroke BreastFLY SET: 500With fins.18 X 253 rounds of the following -- on :35 sendoff25 1L/1R Fly25 1L/1R Fly/2 Breast no breath25 2L/2R Fly25 3 strokes Fly...switch to Free25 5 strokes Fly...switch to Free25 one cycle 2L/2R Fly...switch to FlyRound #1 with Tempo Trainer at 1:65Round #2: 1:60Round #3: 1:5550 EZ recoveryBROKEN 100: 1004 X 25 Breast on :30 sendoffUsed a Tempo Trainer set to beep every 10 seconds. This is a great use for the TT. I want to swim each 25 in 20 seconds or less, so the TT lets me know whether I hit my time -- without having to look up at the clock. It also helps improve your reaction time because you have to wait for the 3 BEEPS to push off on each 25.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 1700

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