02/25/03 CCB Masters T-15 and Backstroke Drills

Feb 25, 2003
02/25/03 CCB Masters  T-15 and Backstroke Drills

02/25/03 CCB Masters practice.A lot of the CCB Masters are triathletes, and need to start doing some non-stop swims as part of their training for the 2003 season. So we are going to devote the last week of every month to timed swims -- giving everyone the chance to do a 15- or 30-minute timed swim at practice during the week. We'll keep track of everyone's yardage, and will be able to chart their progress over the next few months.WARMUP:10 minutes warmupTIMED SWIM:Swim for 15 minutes and keep track of your yardage. At this morning's, practice, we had 5 swimmers do a T-15. They averaged about 775 yards.MAIN SET:We wanted to do something relatively easy after the T-15, so we learned some new backstroke drills, and did some sets with them. We learned:DRILL #1: SLOOOW Backstroke. Start on your back with the right arm extended and your left arm at your wide. You should be looking at the ceiling. Lift your left hand/arm about 7 inches out of the water and up toward the ceiling, THEN shift your weight and switch arms. That is, your right hand pulls through the water toward your side and your left hand continues upward and back until it is in the water again and extended over your head. Hold this position for a few seconds, then start a new cycle by lifting the right arm/hand about 7 inches out of the water and up toward the ceiling.4 X 50 on :15 Rest Interval1st 50: 6-count backstroke (this is the slooow backstroke drill we just learned)2nd 50: 4-count backstroke (just speed up your switches a little)3rd 50: 2-count backstroke (speed up a little more)4th 50: Regular backstrokeDRILL #2: Single-Arm Backstroke. Start on your back with right arm extended and left arm at your side. Take a single stroke of backstroke with your right arm (your left arm does NOTHING), and return the right arm to full extension. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then take another stroke with your right arm. Show BOTH shoulders as you do this drill. Let your boby ROTATE. Switch arms after every lap.4 X 50 on :15 Rest Interval1st lap of each 50 is Single-Arm Backstroke2nd lap of each 50 is regular backstrokeDRILL #3: 2L/2R Backstroke. Take two strokes of backstroke with your left arm, then take two strokes of backstroke with your right arm. Show BOTH shoulders as you do the drill. There should be no hesitation between right-arm strokes and left-arm strokes.4 X 50 on :15 Rest Interval Do all laps as 2L/2R Backstroke10 X 50 on :15 Rest Interval1st lap of each 50 is 2L/2R Backstroke2nd lap of each 50 is freestyle. Focus on letting your body rotate freely on freestyle.8 X 50 on :15 Rest IntervalOdd 25s: 2 X (6-count backstroke/ 4-count backstroke/ 2-count backstroke/ regular backstroke)Even 25s: Regular backstrokeTotal Yardage: Approx. 2,000. When people were doing their T-15, they missed some of the backstroke intervals.

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