02/25/05 Breaststroke Practice with Drills & Toys

Feb 25, 2006
02/25/05 Breaststroke Practice with Drills & Toys

Did this in a 20-yard pool, but it's easily adapted to 25 yards.WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins swim twice through:40 SA drill40 LA drill40 SA drill200 Free/Back200 Breast kick all positions160 with pull buoy -- mixed -- head up, flutter kick, dolphin kick, whole strokeMAIN SET: 2000Swim twice through all of the following:With long-belt swim tether:1 X Push off, pull down, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted.5 X 40 breast with tether (20 resisted and 20 assisted)With Zura Alpha fins and Tempo Trainer set at 1:60:5 X 40 of Karla drill (alternate 1L/1R Fly with 2 strokes Breast no breath)With no equipment and TT set at 1:55:5 X 40#1: Pulse Breast#2: Breast with Extra Kick#3: UW Breast#4: Regular Breast#5: Pulse BreastWith pull buoy and TT set at 1:50:5 X 40#1: Head-Up Breast Pull with Dolphin Kick (ignore the TT on this one!)#2: Head-Up Breast Pull with Flutter Kick (ignore the TT)#3: Head-In Breast Pull with Dolphin#4: Head-In Breast Pull with Flutter#4: Whole-Stroke BreastWARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 3200

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