02/26/04 CCB Masters 50s to Practice Flip Turns

Feb 26, 2004
02/26/04  CCB Masters   50s to Practice Flip Turns

02/26/04 CCB Masters 50s to Practice Flip TurnsWARMUP: 400400 your choise. Fins optional.MAIN SET: 1400Swim three rounds of the following:2 X 25 Breast @ approx. :15 RI2 X 50 (25 Free + 25 Back) @ approx. :20 RIRound #1: FistglovesRound #2: NekkedRound #3: PaddlesYour focus on the breaststrokes is to keep your eyes down on the breakout. The focus on the 50s is the flip turn. Try to sommersault STRAIGHT OVER (you're going from freestyle to backstroke to make this easier). Try not to use your hands to help you sommersault. As your feet are going over, your hands should be right at your ears, ready to extend into streamline as you push off the wall. WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ swim.Total Yardage: 2100

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