02/28/06 CCB Masters Fast 50s

Mar 1, 2006
02/28/06 CCB Masters Fast 50s

The main focus of this practice is the sets of 50s. These should be swum at or near your aerobic threshold. The goal is to hold your times consistent on each set, even as you get less rest. WARMUP: 400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 1700200 EZ Freestyle with fins, focus on keeping one goggle in during the breath4 X 50 choice or IM on a definite sendoff that gives you approx :20 RI200 EZ Freestyle pull, bump up breathing pattern by one stroke4 X 50 choice or IM on a defintie sendoff that gives you approx :15 RI200 EZ with fins -- dolphin in any position but don't use your arms for pulling4 X 50 choice or IM @ :10 RI200 EZ with fins -- single-arm backstroke focus on bent-arm pull and clean hand exit4 X 25 (Broken 100) These should be at about 90% effort. Rest interval is only :10.200 EZ with fins your choiceLAST SET: Morning group did a relay race to practice starts from the blocks. Evening group did 4 minutes of med-ball pass in the deep end.Total Yardage: About 2200

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