03/02/04 250 IM Drill Progressions

Mar 2, 2004
03/02/04    250 IM Drill Progressions

03/02/04 250 IM Drill ProgressionsHere's a 40-minute practice that I did this morning on my own before coaching the Masters team. There's no official warmup; the first two 250s are easy drilling, so these were my warmup.MAIN SET: 1750With fins!Swim 7 rounds of the following:3 X (25 Breast drill + 25 Back drill) + 50 Fingertip-Drag FR + 25 Low-Hand-Recovery FR + 25 Overhand-Recovery FreeEach of the rounds is 250 yards. The drills progress in complexity, going from head-lead drills to hand-lead drills to combo drills. I took approximately 30 seconds rest after each round. The final 100 of each round is always the same -- 100 FR -- but this 100 is a progression from a very low-hand recovery to a very high (and faster-cadence)-hand recovery.Round #1: BR = Head-Lead Body DolphinBK = Head-Lead ActiveRound #2:BR = Hand-Lead Body DolphinBK = Head-Leac ActiveRound #3:BR = Slide to the CornersBK = 6-Count BackRound #4:BR = Body-Dolphin BreastBK = 2L/2R BackRound #4:BR = SkimmersBK = 4-Count BackRound #5:BR = Alternate 1 cycle BR and 1 cycle FLBK = Shoulder-Pop BackstrokeRound #6:BR = BreastBK = Backstroke with exaggerated Chop to drive hand deep into waterRound #7:BR = Underwater Breast with Dolphin KickBK = Head-Lead ActiveWARMDOWN: 250250 EZ backstroke and freestyle drills

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