03/04/03 CCB Masters Substitutions

Mar 4, 2003
03/04/03 CCB Masters  Substitutions

03/04/03 CCB Masters practice.WARMUP: ???Swim on your own for first 10 minutes.MAIN SETS: 2100/15004 X 50: 25 Single-Arm Backstroke + 25 backstrokeFast lane goes 5 X 100; slower lanes go 4 X 751st 100/75: All laps are 2L/2R backstroke (2 strokes left arm/2 strokes right arm)2nd 100/75: Substitute one lap of backstroke for one of the drill laps.3rd 100/75: Subsitute two laps backstroke for drill laps.4th 100/75: Substitute three laps backstroke for drill laps (all laps backstroke for those doing 75s)5th 100: All laps are backstroke.4 X 50: 25 Hand-Lead Nose Up/Nose Down + 25 freestyle breathing to same side as drill lap.5 X 100 or 4 X 75, depending on your lane1st 100/75: All laps are freestyle breathing to "dark" (less comfortable) side.2nd 100/75: Substitute one lap free breathing to comfortable side for one of the dark-side laps.3rd 100/75: Substitute two laps free on comfortable side for two dark-side laps.Etc. until final interval is all freestyle breathing to comfortable side.4 X 50: 25 alternate 3 strokes free and 4 strokes back + 25 backstroke(odds) or 25 freestyle (evens)5 X 100 or 4 X 75, depending on your lane1st 100: All laps are backstroke2nd 100: Substitute one lap free for one of the backstroke laps.Etc. until final interval is all freestyle.WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2200 or 1500, depending on lane (plus warmup yardage)

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