03/05/04 CCB Masters 350 IMs and 50s

Mar 5, 2004
03/05/04  CCB Masters   350 IMs and 50s

03/05/04 CCB Masters 350 IMs and 50sWARMUP: 400400 choice on your own. Fins optional.MAIN SET: 1950 + 5050 SA + 50 LA + 50SA + 50 LA + 50 SA + 100 Free (This is a continuous swim of 350 yards. With fins.)SA = Head-Lead Body DolphinLA = 6-Count Backstroke8 X 50 Choice @ :20 RIRepeat the 350 sequence, with fins.SA = SkimmersLA = 2L/2R Backstroke6 X 50 Stroke/Free @ :20 RIRepeat the 350 sequence, with fins.SA = Alternate one cycle FLY with one cycle Body-Dolphin BreastLA = Backstroke4 X 50 Choice @ :20 RI50 EZ recoveryWARMDOWN SET: 250/200/100 + 100 10/8/4 X 25 Freestyle with fins. Try to take just one breath per 25. Relax into in, and aim for perfect strokes. Take as much rest as you want between 25s. Bobs recommended as recovery.100 EZ warmdownTotal Yardage: Approx. 2750

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