03/06/07 200 IM and Breaststroke Practice

Mar 6, 2007
03/06/07 200 IM and Breaststroke Practice

WARMUP: 750With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin200 free/back drills250 breast kick all positionsBREAST KICK SET: 250 + 505 X 50 breast kick with standard kickboard on 1:30 -- with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50. Descend. [52...50...47...46...44]50 EZ recoveryMAIN SET: 1600200 IM on 4:00 [3:10]4 X 50 breast on 1:00 -- drill down...swim back [held 45-46]Extra minute rest200 IM on 4:00 [3:07]4 X 50 pulse breast with fins on 1:00 -- 2 pulse down...1 pulse back [held 46]Extra minute rest200 IM on 4:00 [3:05]4 X 50 whole-stroke breast with pull buoy on 1:00 [45-46]Extra minute rest100 IM on 4:00 [3:03]4 X 50 whole-stroke breast with pull buoy on 1:00 [45-46] Last one was no equipment [44]WARMDOWN: 300300 real easy with pull buoyTotal Yardage: 3000

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