03/10/06 Kick... Pull... Kick... Pull... Kick... Pull

Mar 10, 2006
03/10/06 Kick... Pull... Kick... Pull... Kick... Pull

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 640With Zura Alpha fins twice through:40 SA drill40 LA DRILL40 SA DRILL200 Free and BackKICK SET #1: 40010 X 40 kick with 5 Rocket Launchers before each 40Odds: Flutter kick on back with pull buoyEvens: Breast kick/eggbeater kick while hanging onto 16-inch physio/playground ballPULL SET #1: 4004 X 100 Freestyle pull with a 5-2-5 breathing patternKICK SET #2: Approx. 600With long-belt swim tether, twice through:* Push off, pulldown, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted.* 2 X 40 breast with the tetherPULL SET #2: 4004 X 100 with pull buoy, swim as:20 Head-Out Breast pull with flutter kick20 Whole-Stroke Breast20 Head-Out Breast pull with flutter20 Whole-Stroke Breast20 Freestyle breathing 4-2-4-2KICK SET #3: 40010 X 40 kick with 5 Rocket Launchers before each 40Odds: Hand-Lead Dolphin Kick with pull buoyEvens: Breast/Eggbeater Kick on physio ballPULL SET #3: 200200 EZ Freestyle pullTotal Yardage: 3000

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