03/16/05 IM/Breast Kick Practice

Mar 16, 2005
03/16/05  IM/Breast Kick Practice

Did this practice in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With fins.Alternate 40 SA drill and 40 LA drill for 640 yards.Take off fins and kick EZ breaststroke kick (no board) for 160 yards to get knees loosened up.MAIN SET: 18004 X 120 @ approx. :30 RI Swim these as:#1: 100 Fly + 20 Back#2: 100 Back + 20 Breast#3: 100 Breast + 20 Free#4: 120 Free120 EZ recoveryPut on swim tether, push off, do breast pulldown, then take 30 head-lead breast kicks followed by 30 hand-lead breast kicks, do the turn, then swim back assisted to starting point. Repeat.2 X 40 breast with tether120 EZ recoveryRepeat the 4 X 120 set from above, but this time with fins. 120 EZ recovery/warmdownTotal Yardage: 2600

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