03/17/05 CCB Masters IMs and Vertical Kick

Mar 17, 2005
03/17/05 CCB Masters  IMs and Vertical Kick

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET:4 X 125 on approx. :30 RI, swum as:#1: 100 Fly + 25 Back#2: 100 Back + 25 Breast#3: 100 Breast + 25 Free#4: 125 FreeDo this without equipment. If you want to do a drill on the Fly, that's ok. The hardcore triathletes did this set as 125s, with the first 100 swum as freestyle; the final 25 as anything EXCEPT freestyle.4 X 50 kick, done as 25 breast/25 flutterOdds: With a pull buoyEvents: With a kickboard4 X 50 choice pull. Focus on straight line from fingertips through forearmRepeat the 4 X 125s, except this time do it with fins.75 EZ6 to 7 minutes of vertical kicking with fins on. No hands (cross your chest with your arms and rest your hands on your shoulders). We alternated between a few minutes of flutter and a few minutes of dolphin. Add some quarter turns on the flutter. Add some speed bursts of fast body motion on the dolphin.WARMDOWN SET: 2008 X 25 Freestyle with fins. Try to take just one or two breaths per length. Do 5 bobs as recovery between each 25. Relax and try for perfect strokes.100 EZTotal Yardage: Approx. 2200

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