03/19/06 Tempo Trainer Breast and IM Practice

Mar 19, 2006
03/19/06 Tempo Trainer Breast and IM Practice

Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 1000With Zura Alpha fins, twice through:40 SA drill40 LA drill40 SA drill200 Free/Back200 Breast kick all positionsEZ 160 Drill IMMAIN SET #1: 840With Tempo Trainer set at 1:60:80 Hand-Lead Dolphin with fins80 Pulse Breaststroke with fins80 Underwater Dolphin Kick with Breast Arms with fins80 Karla Drill (1L/2R Fly...2 Br no breath) with fins80 Pulse Breast no fins80 Breast with an extra kick no fins80 Underwater breast kick in hand lead no fins80 Breaststroke no finsRest Interval is variable.EZ 200 Freestyle pull.MAIN SET #2: 840Set the Tempo Trainer at 1:55.Swim through 8 X 80 as above, but this time substitute freestyle for the final length of each 80. Ignore the TT on the freestyle.EZ 200 Freestyle pullMAIN SET #3: 840Set the TT at 1:50.Swim through 8 X 80 as in first set, but this time substitute backstroke for the first length of each 80 and freestyle for the final length of each 80. I.e., the breaststroke part is in the middle.WARMDOWN: 80 EZTotal Yardage: 3600

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