03/20/07 UV Rays Masters Taper Practice

Mar 19, 2007
03/20/07 UV Rays Masters Taper Practice

WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 1004 X 25 First half of each length is head-up free; second half is regular free. Focus on wide hand entry.WARMUP SET: 40016 X 25 choice on :45 sendoff…every 4th 25 is FAST. The non-FAST 25s are EZ and you can do anything that makes you feel good, and feel ready to go fast on the 4th 25. The EZ 25s can be kick, drill, whatever. If you’re swimming all different strokes at the meet, I’d recommend you do 4 X 25 of a single stroke (or drill) before switching strokes.MAIN SET: 600 + 250 EZThis set can be used to predict your time for the 100 in a meet. Before you start the set, decide on your target time for the 100. (Let's say it's 60 seconds for 100 free.) 8 X 75 of your choice of stroke1st 2 X 75 are swum at your target time (these should feel really EZ). Take about 30 seconds rest between 75s.2nd 2 X 75 are swum at your target time minus 4 seconds. (Getting a little tougher but still relaxed swims.)3rd 2 X 75 are swum at your target time minus 6 seconds. (Getting tougher.)4th 2 X 75 are all out from the blocks. If you have a big group in your lane, you should go one at a time.Be sure to get your time on all the 75s, but especially the final 2. Let's say you went 45 seconds for the final 2. Divide that time by 3 (15 seconds per length). Then add that time to your total time (45 + 15 = 60). This means that you should be able to race the 100 in about 60 seconds.250 EZ recovery swim.FINAL SET FOR ENTIRE TEAM: 50Everyone wears fins.2 X 25 ALL-OUT, BLAST-FAST freestyle on 1:00 sendoff (lots of rest). Swim 2 abreast in each lane. WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 2000

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