03/22/04 IM 50s Plus Kick and Pull SetI'm in Wooster, OH, this weekend to see my Dad and to swim in a Masters meet. Today, I wrote the following practice for my Wooster swim buddies.WARMUP: 600600 swim your choiceMAIN SET #1: 1000 + 150We did this set with fins because we were kind of tired and sore from the swim meet, but you could do it without fins.20 X 50 on 1:00 as follows:2 X 50 FLY50 BK50 BR50 FR50 FL/BK2 X 50 BACK50 BR50 FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR2 X 50 BREAST50 FR50 FL/BK50 BK/BR50 BR/FR2 X 50 FREE150 EZ MAIN SET #2: 2505 X 50 Kick with a board. Do 3 Rocket Launchers before each 50. (We started in 6'2" of water.)MAIN SET #3: 400With pull buoy.400 Lung BusterMAINS ET #4: 25010 X 25 Freestyle, breathing just one (OK, sometimes twice) per 25. Take 5 bobs as recovery between each 25.WARMDOWN SET: 500 + 100500 breast kick, alternating 50 with a board, focusing on getting my hips up on each kick, and 50 breast kick with a pull buoy.100 EZ swimTotal Yardaged: 3250
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