03/22/07 Day Before the Meet

Mar 22, 2007
03/22/07  Day Before the Meet

We're headed to NEM SCY Champs tomorrow. Didn't want to do too much today, but wanted to not take ANY bad strokes in practice.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 free drill100 flutter100 back drill100 dolphin100 free drill200 breast kick various positionsFLY/BREAST SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 on :30#1: FL/BR Combo#2: Pulse Breast, breathe every 4#3: Karla drill#4: Pulse Breast, breathe every 3#5: 2L/2R FL --> whole-stroke Fly#6: Pulse Breast, breathe every 2#7: 3 strokes Fly --> Free#8: Pulse Breast, breathe every strokeDRILL SET: 50020 X 25 with 3 or 4 bobs between each 251st 100: Odds: Relaxed backstroke @ 13 splEvens: UW breast kick focus on finishing each kick and hiding the legs2nd 100:Odds: Relaxed backstroke @ 13 splEvens: Breast with an extra kick focus on hips and head position3rd 100:Odds: Backstroke @ 13 splEvens: Body-Dolphin Breast focus on wide hands4th 100:Odds: Back @ 13 splEvens: Breast breathing every other focus on steady head5th 100:Odds: Back @ 13 splEvens: First one FAST hands breast; second one WIDE hands breast100 EZ50 breast focus EZ speed -- [9 strokes down/10 strokes back: :39]100 EZ and wait till heart rate is below 10050 breast focus EZ speed -- [10 strokes down/11 strokes back: :38.5]100 EZ2 X 25 breast with a turn and from the blocksWARMDOWN: 1002 more starts, and 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2000

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