03/23/06 UV Rays IM Practice and Taper

Mar 23, 2006
03/23/06 UV Rays IM Practice and Taper

The swimmers going to NEM Champs this weekend did the warmup and initial set, then went to a separate lane for some easy speed. They were instructed to go no more than 100 yards of speed work -- either as 2 X 50 or 4 X 25, taking as much rest between swims as they wanted -- or swimming EZ between fast swims. Then they did 2 or 3 starts from the blocks, then practiced relay takeoffs.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownINITIAL SET: 400Swim four rounds of the following, in IM order:50 with pull buoy (25 kick in stroke + 25 scull in stroke)2 X 25 EZ swim in strokeMAIN SET: 800 + 50 EZWith fins.16 X 50 swum as follows:FL/FLFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BKBK/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/BRBR/FRFL/BKBK/BRBR/FRFR/FR50 EZ recovery PULL SET: 300/400Fastest lane did 4; middle lane did 3.3/4 X 100 Freestyle pull, breathing B...B+1...B+2...B+3 by 25.FIN SET: 300Only the fastest lane had time for this.With fins.3 X 100 freestyle, except that 3rd length of each 100 is backstroke.Count stroke on first length, then take off one stroke per length for the rest of the 100 (even on the backstroke length).WARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: approx. 2400-2500

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