03/25/04 Breaststroke 200s - 100s - 50s - 25s (with Different Focus Points)

Mar 25, 2004
03/25/04   Breaststroke 200s - 100s - 50s - 25s  (with Different Focus Points)

03/25/04 Breaststroke 200s - 100s - 50s - 25s (with Different Focus Points)I swam in a Masters meet in Ohio last weekend, and I came away knowing there are a few things I need to work on before my next meet, which is USMS SCY Nationals next month. The big thing is turns -- breaststroke turns. I need to practice making all parts of the turn a continuous move -- to flow into the wall at max speed, and to turn smoothly and send the energy back out. I need to work on keeping my toes pointed and my feet crossed one over the other as I pull the legs into the wall. And I need to work on not going TOO DEEP on the pushoff and pullout. In a couple of my races last weekend, I spent way too much time under water because I had gone too deep on the turn. I want to practice breaking out at just the right depth, and breaking out into a powerful stroke and kick. So I tried to design sets this morning that would help me work on these things.WARMUP: 400With fins.Alternate a SA drill and a LA drill for 300 yards, then 100 freestyleMAIN SET #1: 800 + 1004 X 200 Breast on 4:15, swum as follows:25 Drill 25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Back 25 Drill 25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Back 25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Stomach 25 Breast 25 Hand-Lead Breast Kick on Your Stomach 25 Breast On the transition turns from drill to kick, focus on pointing toes and crossing one foot over the other and on falling BACK after the touch. On the kicks on your stomach, take one powerful stroke after the breakout, and then settle into just kicking for the rest of the length.You can use whatever breaststroke drills you want. I switched drills on each 200, using Body-Dolphin Breast, Breast with an Extra Kick, and Breast Breathing Every Other Stroke.Tried to descend my times: 3:40 3:38 3:32 3:28100 EZ recovery before the next set.MAIN SET #2: 400 + 1004 X 100 Breast on 2:00 This is a kick set that focuses on turns and breakouts. The only full strokes you take are the first stroke after the breakout and the stroke just before the turn. Otherwise, you just kick in hand-lead position on your stomach. Focus on making each turn continuous and fast. Focus on making the breakout stroke powerful. Then settle into each, streamlined kicking for the rest of each length.Tried to descend my times: 1:40 1:37 1:35 1:32100 EZ recovery before the next set.MAIN SET #3: 250 + 1005 X 50 Breast kick with a board, with 6 Rocket Launcers before each 50. Focus on getting the hips up and over on each kick.Kick times were about :53.100 EZ recovery.MAIN SET #4: 4004 X 25 Breast on :30 sendoff, trying to hit :20 on each one. Focus on not going to deep on the pullout -- being at just the right depth for a powerful breakout.100 EZ recovery4 X 25 Breast on 1:00 sendoff, trying to hit :20 of better on each one. As soon as I touched on the 25, I pushed off and did an EZ length of backstroke as active recovery. Held :20 :20 :20 :19.100 EZ Four starts from the blocks.100 EZ cooldown.Total Yardage: 2650

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