03/27/03 CCB Masters 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Mar 27, 2003
03/27/03  CCB Masters  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

03/27/03 CCB Masters practice. This is the team's first practice with fistgloves. Everyone thought they were a little strange at first, but they loved the feeeling of power when they took them off for the final set.WARMUP: ???Swim for 5 minutes on your own.WARMUP/DRILL SET: 400Do this set with fistgloves.8 X (25 Hand-Lead Nose Up/Nose Down + 25 freestyle)Take 10 to 15 seconds rest between 50s.MAIN SETS: 1800/1400/1050Swim twice through the following set. Wear fistgloves the first time through. Take the gloves off for the second time through.Swim 8 laps, then 7 laps, then 6 laps, then 5 laps, then 4 laps, then 3 laps, then 2 laps, then 1 lap. For recovery between swims, do as many "bobs" as you just did laps, e.g., after swimming 8 laps, do 8 bobs. The fastest lane did 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The middle lane did 7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The slowest lane did 6-5-4-3-2-1. (Twice through.)WARMDOWN: 1506 X 25 freestyle, breathing every 6 strokes. Take 5 bobs recovery between 25s.TOTAL YARDAGE: 2350/1950/1600, not including warmup.

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