03/28/06 UV Rays 50s Freestyle

Mar 28, 2006
03/28/06 UV Rays 50s Freestyle

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP/FOCUS SET: 2008 X 25 freestyle @ approx. :10 RI1st 2: Focus on hand entry. Let bubbles drop off before starting the pull.2nd 2: Focus on hiding your head.2rd 2: Focus on hip rotation.4th 2: Focus on pointing your toes.MAIN SET: 1600Fastest lane did 6 X 50 at the start. Middle 3 lanes did 5 X 50 at the start. Slowest lane did 4 X 50.6 X 50 Free @ approx. :20 RI200 IM with fins Recovery pace. OK to drill or dolphin-kick the Fly.5 X 50 Free @ approx. :15 RI2 X 100 IM with fins. Recovery pace. OK to drill or kick the Fly.4 X 50 Free @ approx. :10 RI4 X 50 IM order with fins. Recovery pace. OK to drill the Fly.3 X 50 Free @ approx. :05 RI100 EZKICK SET: 2004 X 50 Flutter kick on your back with fins.#1: Fast kick first 12.5, then EZ#2: Fast kick first 25, then EZ#3: Fast kick first 37.5, then EZ#4: Fast kick the whole wayWARMDOWN: 100100 EZTotal Yardage: 2500

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