03/29/05 CCB Masters 200s - 100s - 50s Descend

Mar 30, 2005
03/29/05 CCB Masters  200s - 100s - 50s Descend

We can barely see patches of earth through the snow here in Vermont, but already my Masters group is starting to gear up for the start of triathlon season. It was T-15 day today, and 5 of them actually ASKED if they could swim a mile for time instead of doing just the T-15. You gotta admire their attitude. One of them is doing the Lake Placid Ironman in late July, so it's a really good idea for her to start doing these longer swims, to get an idea of pacing and energy conservation. The milers did an easy 400 yards after finishing their swim, then jumped into the following practice for the 50s at the end. Probably good training for them to try to pick up the pace a bit when they are a bit tired from a long effort.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: 2100On all of the following, there is no set sendoff. Just try to get your equipment on and off fairly quickly and keep things rolling. Just remember to get your times.Swim three rounds of the following. Try to descend times on the 200s swim.200 Free200 Flutter kick with fins in any position. Swim three rounds of the following. Try to descend times on the 100s swim.100 Free100 Dolphin kick with fins in any position.Swim three rounds of the following. Try to descend times on the 50s swim.50 Swim your choice of stroke -- with fins.50 EZ kick your choice -- with fins.WARMDOWN: 100+Total Yardage: 2600

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