03/30/04 2000-Yard IM Set

Mar 30, 2004
03/30/04  2000-Yard IM Set

03/30/04 2000-Yard IM SetWARMUP: 400400 EZ, alternating 25 FR and 25 BK and 50 breast kickMAIN SET: 2000There's a pattern to this if you look closely, but it's easier to write out each of the 100s. I did all 20 X 100 on a 2:00 sendoff, with no breaks. In order to determine an appropriate sendoff, figure that you want to get about :30 rest on your 100 IMs. You'll probably get less than :30 rest on your FLY and BREAST; more on the FREE. 2 X 100 FLY1 X100 BACK1 X 100 BREAST1 X 100 FREE1 X 100 IM2 X 100 BACK1 X 100 BREAST1 X 100 FREE2 X 100 IM2 X 100 BREAST1 X 100 FREE3 X 100 IM2 X 100 FREEWARMDOWN: 200200 EZ, then 4 starts from the blocks.Total Yardage: 2600

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