03/30/06 UV Rays Masters IM Set - 25-50-75-100

Mar 30, 2006
03/30/06 UV Rays Masters  IM Set - 25-50-75-100

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownWARMUP/FOCUS SET: 2008 X 25 Backstroke @ :10 RI1&2: Focus on clean hand exit -- thumb first3&4: Focus on steady head5&6: Focus on hip rotation7&8: Focus on pointing toes and fast kickIM SET #1: 500On this set, every time you hit a backstroke length, use one of the focus points from the warmup set.Swim twice through the following. Fastest lane did both rounds with no equipment. Other lanes did no equipment first time through, then fins the second time through.25 Fly50 BK/BR75 BK/BR/FR100 IMFOCUS SET #2: 2008 X 25 Breast @ :10 RICount strokes per length. Try to take as few strokes as possible on #1. Add one stroke on #2. Add another stroke on #3. Add another on #4. Then repeat.IM SET #2: 500Repeat IM SET #1. Fastest lane used no equipment. All others did one round no equipment and one round with fins. Every time you hit a breaststroke length, try to swim it at the low end of your stroke-count range from the above focus set.FREESTYLE SET: 500/350Fastest lane had time for the entire set. Other lanes skipped the first set of 3 X 100.3 X 50 Freestyle with fins. Count total strokes on first 50 and get your time. Hold stroke count the same on all 3 50s, but descend time 1-3.200 EZ dolphin kick with fins3 X 50 Freestyle pull with pull buoy. Count total strokes. Hold stroke count the same on all 3 50s, but descend time 1-3.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 2400/2250

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