04/01/04 400-200-100-50-25 IM Practice

Apr 1, 2004
04/01/04  400-200-100-50-25 IM Practice

04/01/04 400-200-100-50-15 IM PracticeWARMUP: 400EZ 400, alternating free/back/breast kick on the back.MAIN SET: 1700Try to move right through this set, getting your fins on and off as quickly as possible. I took 60 seconds rest after each 400, each 200, and each 100. For the 50s, I went on a 1:15 sendoff, which was about 30 seconds rest. For the 25s, I went on :30 sendoff. My times are in the parens.400 IM (6:28)400 IM with fins (6:20)200 IM (3:06)200 IM with fins (2:56)100 IM (1:28)100 IM with fins (1:23)3 X 50 (FL/BK...BK/BR...BR/FR) (:45...:43...:40)3 X 50 with fins (FL/BK...BK/BR...BR/FR) (:40...:40...:38)4 X 25 IM order 4 X 25 IM order with finsWARMDOWN: 300300 EZ, alternating free and back.Total Yardage: 2400

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