04/01/04 CCB Masters 1000 IM Set as 50s

Apr 1, 2004
04/01/04  CCB Masters  1000 IM Set as 50s

04/01/04 CCB Masters 1000 IM Set as 50sWARMUP: 400400 your choice.MAIN SET #1: 1000 + 100Try to pick one sendoff that will work for the entire set. Our fast lane went on 1:05. Middle lane on 1:15. Slower lane on 1:30.2 X 50 FLY50 BK50 BR50 FR1 X 50 (FL/BK)2 X 50 BK50 BR50 FR1 X 50 (FL/BK)1 X 50 (BK/BR)2 X 50 BR1 X 50 FR1 X 50 (FL/BK)1 X 50 (BK/BR)1 X 50 (BR/FR)2 X 50 FR100 EZ recoveryMAIN SET #2: 3006 X 50, with 5 Rocket Launchers before each 50.Odds: Kick -- your choiceEvens: Swim -- your choiceMAIN SET #3: 300300 Lungbuster, with pull buoy. For a Lungbuster, breathe as often as you want on the odd lengths. One the even lengths, breathe every 3/5/7 by 100.WARMDOWN: 200200 EZTotal Yardage: 2300

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