04/02/06 Woo City Workout -- 200s Free with Active Recovery

Apr 3, 2006
04/02/06 Woo City Workout -- 200s Free with Active Recovery

I'm in my hometown of Wooster, OH this weekend, and joined my old swim buddies this morning for a workout. They are in the water at 5:15 am -- ouch! About 10 of them are training for the Chesapeake Bay swim in June, so I called this practice, which includes a warmup set of heads-up swimming (good practice for the CHOP they'll encounter under the bridge) and some 200s with active recovery for distance training.WARMUP: 500500 your choice, on your ownWARMUP/DRILL SET: 200With fins.8 X 25 on :30 sendoff. Swim first half of each length with head out of water and looking straight forward (don't move your head). Focus on wide hand entry. Put your head down for the second half of the length, but continue with wide hand entry. (This is one of Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen's favorite drills and will be shown on her new DVD.)MAIN SET: 1500No equipment.Swim 5 times through the following. Use the 25s as active recovery, which means don't wait more than about 5 seconds after finishing the 200 to start the 25s. After the 4th 25, do 4 bobs and take only about 5 to 10 seconds before pushing off on your next 200. Descend your time on the 200s. Hint: take it easy on the first 200!1 X 200 free -- count strokes per length and get your time. Seventh length of the 200 is Backstroke.4 X 25 free @ stroke count minus 2 strokes (stretch it out). Do 4 bobs between each 25.RECOVERY SET: 200200 EZ kick any style and any equipment you want.BUTTERFLY SET: 200With Zura Alpha fins.8 X 25 on :30 sendoff Swim these as two rounds of:25 Karla drill (alternate 1L/1R Fly and 2 strokes breast with no breath)25 of one cycle 2L/2R Fly...finish with Fly25 of 3 strokes Fly switch to Free25 of one cycle 2L/2R Fly...finish with FlySTROKE-COUNT SET: 4004 X 25 Free on :30 sendoff and at brisk pace. Count strokes and take your average as "N."Then swim 4 rounds of:1 X 25 @ N-21 X 25 @ N-11 X 25 @ NAll on :30 sendoff.WARMDOWN: 200 EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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