04/03/07 UV Rays Masters IM Set 25s, 50s, 75s, 100s

Apr 3, 2007
04/03/07 UV Rays Masters  IM Set 25s, 50s, 75s, 100s

WARMUP: 400TRIATHLON SET: 100100 continuous swim, alternating 4 strokes freestyle/2 strokes breaststroke. Practice sighting on the breaststroke, and focus on smooth transition from one stroke to the other.MAIN SET: 1000/1500/2000Lane 1 does 2 rounds of the following.Lanes 2 & 3 do 3 rounds of the following.Lanes 4 & 5 do 4 rounds of the followingFor all lanes, last round is with fins.For all lanes: Keep track of your time on the 100 IMs and 100 Frees. Descend time on each throughout the set.25 FLY50 BK/BR75 BK/BR/FR100 IM25 FL50 BK/BR75 BK/BR/FR100 FREEWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 1700/2200/2700

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