04/08/04 CCB Masters 400s/200

Apr 8, 2004
04/08/04  CCB Masters   400s/200

04/08/04 CCB Masters 400s/200WARMUP: 400400 EZ your choiceMAIN SET: 20001 X 400 Free except that 3rd length of each 100 is backstroke.4 X 50 Free/Back on :20 RI, focus on sommersaulting STRAIGHT OVER from free to back1 X 400 Free pull with paddles and pull buoy. Breathe as often as you want on all odd lengths. On even lengths, breathe every 3 on first 100, every 5 on second 100, every 7 on third 100, every 9 on final 100.4 X 50 Stroke (anything but Freestyle) on :15 RI1 X 400 with fins, as follows:3 X (50 SA Drill + 50 LA Drill) + 100 Freestyle Your choice of drills.4 X 50 Free on :10 RI100 EZ Recovery100 Freestyle for time. This is FAST!WARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: 2600

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