04/08/07 Kick Practice

Apr 8, 2007
04/08/07 Kick Practice

Did this in a 23-yard (approx.) outdoor pool. No lane lines or flags.WARMUP: 780With Zura Alpha fins:4 lengths dolphin4 lengths free4 lengths flutter4 lengths back4 lengths dolphin4 lengths free10 lengths breaststroke kick, using the Zura Alpha fins as a kickboard.MAIN SET #1: 920 + 23010 X 92 backstroke on 1:55 sendoff and with Tempo Trainer set at 1:10. Focus was on the kick rather than on the arms -- trying for a steady 6-beat kick for the entire set.10 lengths EZ freestyle pull with pull buoyMAIN SET #2: 920 10 X 92 breaststroke kick on 1:55 and with Tempo Trainer set at 1:70. Used Zura Alpha fins as a kickboard. Final 92 was breaststroke swim, with TT set at 1:70. [Most of the kicks were 1:37; the final swim was 1:25.]WARMDOWN: 23010 lengths easyTotal Yardage: 3000

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