04/09/07 Tether Practice

Apr 9, 2007
04/09/07 Tether Practice

Did this in a hotel pool with steps at both ends rather than walls. It was 25 yards from handrail to handrail -- pretty good for a tether setup.WARMUP: 700With Zura Alpha fins:100 dolphin100 free100 flutter100 back100 dolphin100 free200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 2200Set up a long-belt slider.Resist/Assist Set with tether:* Push off, pull down, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, swim breaststroke resisted to the "wall", turn, swim breaststroke assisted back to starting point* Push off, breaststroke pullout, resisted eggbeater kick to the "wall," turn, swim breaststroke assisted back to starting point* Push off, breaststroke pullout, swim resisted breast to "wall," turn, swim breaststroke assisted back to starting point* Push off, 10 strokes resisted freestyle, 10 "breath's worth" of flutter kick, continue swimming resisted freestyle to "wall." Float back to starting point.Stationary Tether Set (with tether and fins):* Push off, 100 strokes of pulse breaststroke against the tether, focus on big setup for the outsweep, keeping head in water through the outsweep, and getting a BIG pull...turn, swim assisted pulse breaststroke back to starting point.* Repeat 100 strokes as above.100 EZ freestyle without the tether -- recoveryRepeat the Resisted/Assisted Set as above.Repeat the Stationary Set as above, except this time it's 50 strokes rather than 100.100 EZ freestyle without the tether -- recoveryRepeat the Resisted/Assisted Set as above.Repeat the Stationary Set as above, except this time it's 25 strokes rather than 100.WARMDOWN: 100 EZTotal Yardage: 3000 equivalent

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