04/13/06 Mostly Breaststroke and Lots of Kick

Apr 13, 2006
04/13/06 Mostly Breaststroke and Lots of Kick

WARMUP: 600With Zura Alpha fins:50 dolphin kick50 flutter50 dolphin kick200 free/back250 breast kick in all positions (no equipment)KICK SET: 300 + 100With kickboard.6 X 50 breast kick on 1:30 sendoff, with 7 Rocket Launchers before each 50. Descend time [went 54...49...47...46...44]100 EZ recoveryBREAST SET: 10005 X 200 on 4:00 sendoff. Swim these as:25 drill25 hand-lead breast kick on your back25 drill25 hand-lead breast kick on back25 hand-lead breast kick on stomach25 breast (7 strokes)25 hand-lead breast kick on stomach25 breast (8 or 9 strokes)Drills are:#1: Underwater breast kick#2: Pulse Breast#3: Breast with Extra Kick#4: Breast breathe every other stroke#5: Underwater breastFocus: Shooting elbow back on the turns. Overlapping feet on the tuck at the turn. Being more horizontal than vertical at the start of the first pull after the turn (lengths 6 and 8).100 EZ recoveryIM SET: 450 + 100With Zura Alpha Fins, swim twice through the following, on 1:30 sendoff:3 X 75#1: 25 Fly + 50 Back#2: 25 Back + 50 Breast#3: 25 Breast + 50 Free100 EZ recoveryBREAST SPEED SET: 100 + 100 + 100 + 100Did this with Tempo Trainer set to beep every 9.5 seconds, but if no TT, swim with 10 seconds RI.4 X 25 breast at race pace. Was trying to beat the Tempo Trainer to the wall -- i.e., swim each 25 in 19 seconds. Didn't quite achieve this, mostly because of delay between hearing the starting beep and actually pushing off.100 EZ recoveryRepeat the 4 X 25, but with Tempo Trainer set to beep every 10 seconds. This worked much better. Was able to touch the wall just at or before the 3rd beep.100 EZ warmdownTotal Yardage: 3000

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