04/14/05 CCB Masters Stroke-Count IMs

Apr 14, 2005
04/14/05 CCB Masters  Stroke-Count IMs

We do a fair number of stroke-count sets with my Masters team, but they are usually Freestyle sets. It can be a bit of a challenge to play with stroke count in the other strokes. You have to learn where and how to make the adjustments necessary to reduce your count. This was kind of a free-form practice in terms of sendoffs, but everybody seemed to have fun trying to get their counts down on back, breast, and free. If you want to substitute 25 fly for the 25 kick, you can do that. It was interesting for the team to find out what kinds of counts everyone was getting. The lowest count anyone got down to was 24 total strokes for a 75 of FL, BK, and BR. Others found it challenging to get under 40 total strokes by the end of the set.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET: Approx. 10001 X 25 kick on your back -- any type of kickRegroup as a lane (or take about :10 rest), then...1 X 75 as Fly, Back, BreastCount your total strokes for the 75. Let's say your count is 50. Repeat the 25 kick and the 75, but this time knock off one stroke from your total count. Keep repeating the 25 kick and the 75, until you fail twice at taking off another stroke or until you have done the 25/75 at least 10 times. HINT: Each time you start a new 75, figure out which stroke you are going to focus on to reduce your count. Don't reduce count on all three strokes on the same 75.50 EZ recoveryFIN SET: 500With fins for the entire set.5 X 50 Free on the fastest sendoff you think you can make for all 5. (We had one lane on :40, one on :45, and one on 1:00.)50 EZ recovery4 X 50 your choice of stroke. Again, choose the fastest sendoff you think you can hold. WARMDOWN: 100-200Total Yardage: Approx. 2000-2400

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