04/16/04 Breast Kick & Turn Practice

Apr 16, 2005
04/16/04 Breast Kick & Turn Practice

Did this in a 20-yard pool with flat walls, but it's easy to adapt it to 25 yards.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha Fins.160 Head-Lead Drill IM160 Hand-Lead Drill IM160 Single-Arm Drill IM160 2L/2R Drill IM160 FreestyleKICK WARMUP: 200Kick EZ Breast in all different positions (hand-lead, head-lead, under water, etc.) to get legs warmed up.KICK & TURN SET: 600Wanted to focus solely on the breast turn, and on four parts of the turn: 1) touching the wall in streamline, 2) keeping toes pointed during the tuck, 3) powerful first pull, and 4) getting right back to streamline after the first pull. So I did the following as all hand-lead breast kick except for the first pull after each breakout. Did 10 to 20 bobs between swims as recovery. I did this set as primarily kick so that I wouldn't be totally exhausted -- which would allow me to be intense on the turns.1 X 2001 X 1601 X 1201 X 801 X 40TETHER SET: 1000 (equivalent)Get strapped into a swim tether. Push off, do a breast pulldown, then take 20 head-lead breast kicks, then do 30 hand-lead breast kicks at rapid rate, then turn and swim assisted breast back to the starting point. Repeat 5 times. Add a tethered 40 swim to the end of the 5th one.WARMDOWN: 400With regular fins. Swim 400 EZ IM. Really stretch it out. Nice and EZTotal Yardage: 3000

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