04/18/06 IM Practice

Apr 18, 2006
04/18/06 IM Practice

WARMUP: 600With Zura Alpha fins:50 dolphin kick50 flutter kick50 dolphin kick200 free/backWith Zura Sidekick:200 EZ breast kick working on timing and hips.50 EZ freeMAIN SET: 2100No real sendoff here. I used the 200 sculls and kicks as active recovery between the IMs.400 IM [6:24]200 IM scull with pull buoy300 IM [4:50]200 IM scull with pull buoy200 IM [3:10]200 breast kick -- half with Sidekick/half no equipment4 X 100 IM on 1:50 sendoff (or :20 RI). [held 1:30]200 EZ breast kickSPEED SET: 1506 X 25 breast with Tempo Trainer set to beep every 10 seconds. I was trying to swim these in under :20 each, with 10 seconds rest. WARMDOWN: 150Total Yardage: 3000

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