04/21/05 CCB Masters 100s Challenge Set

Apr 21, 2005
04/21/05 CCB Masters 100s Challenge Set

The first main set is really just a long warmup or lead-up to the second main set -- the challenge set. We did this challenge set about two months ago, and I had a record of the sendoffs that everyone used back then. A couple of swimmers tried a faster sendoff today and succeeded, which was really cool. One tried a faster sendoff (after a long layoff), and didn't make the challenge. Others used their previous sendoff, and had a really strong set.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your own.MAIN SET #1: 900This is a descending pyramid. Take about 8 bobs recovery after the 200, 7 bobs after the 175, 6 bobs after the 150, etc.8 lengths, alternating 25 Back/25 Free7 lengths, alternating 25 Back/25 Free6, alternating 25 Back/25 Breast5, alternating 25 Back/25 Breast4, alternating 25 Breast/25 Free3, alternating 25 Breast/25 Free2 lengths Free1 length FreeMAIN SET #2: 500 + 2005 X 100 Free on the fastest sendoff you can manage and still make all 5. We had a few swimmers on 1:25, one on 1:45, several on 1:55, and another group on 2:05. 200 EZ dolphin kick on stomach or back, with fins. Recovery.MAIN SET #3: 300300 Freestyle pull -- lungbuster with pull buoyOdd lengths: breathe as often as you wantEven lengths: breathe every 3, every 5, every 7 by hundredsWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: Approx. 2500

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