04/22/03 CCB Masters 25 + 50 + 75 + 100

Apr 22, 2003
04/22/03  CCB Masters  25 + 50 + 75 + 100

04/22/03 CCB Masters practice.This is the week for our T-15 swims. We usually devote one or two lanes (out of three) to the T-15 swimmers, and rotate swimmers in and out of those lanes when it's their turn to do their T-15. So I wanted to design a practice with short sets so that swimmers could cut in and out when necessary.WARMUP:5 minutes on your own, alternating 25 freestyle and 25 6-Count Backstroke.MAIN SETS:8 rounds of (25 + 50 + 75 + 100) freestyle, except....1st & 2nd rounds: 25 = backstroke3rd & 4th rounds: 50 = backstroke5th & 6th rounds: 75 = backstroke7th & 8th rounds: 100 = backstrokeFaster swimmers did these on a :30 sendoff base per 25. Slower swimmers on :35 and :40.FINAL SET FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT DO THE T-1512 X 25 in IM order on :35 sendoffWARMDOWN:100 EZTotal Yardage: 2000 main set + 300 for the IM set + 100 warmdown

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