04/24/07 Mostly Pull

Apr 24, 2007
04/24/07 Mostly Pull

WARMUP: 700With fins100 dolphin100 flutter100 dolphin200 back/free200 breast kick, various positionsMAIN SET: 1800 + 200Three times through:1 X 300 with pull buoy, alternating 50 breast pull (focus wide outsweep) and 50 free pull4 X 75 on 1:30 sendoff with fins. Each 75 = 25 underwater breaststroke arms with dolphin kick + 25 pulse breast breathing every other dolphin + 25 pulse breast breathe every dolphinRound #1: Tempo Trainer set at 1:70 for the 75sRound #2: TT set at 1:65 for the 75sRound #3: TT set at 1:60 for the 75sDescend time round to round [1:15...1:13...1:11]200 EZ recoverySPEED SET: 1004 X 25 breast on :30 sendoff, using TT as "clock." Set the TT to beep every 10 seconds. Try to swim each 25 in under 2 BEEPS, then push off again on the 3rd BEEP. [Touched just on or just under the 2nd BEEP.]WARMDOWN: 200200 EZ with 1 start from the blocksTotal Yardage: 3000

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